You have drone questions.
We have drone answers.
What is “Ask Drone Launch”?
Ask Drone Launch is Drone Launch Academy’s new platform where
you can get in-depth answers to all of your drone questions.
Simply ask any questions that you have about drones, the drone industry, getting drone jobs, building a business, doing technical drone stuff… anything drone!
We will review all questions sent in and will record YouTube videos with the answers. We will be bringing in experts on each topic to review and answer questions.
There are two ways to submit your question…
1) Type it out
2) Leave us a voice message
We are pumped to answer your drone questions.
Send ‘em in!
Something to keep in mind! … We get a lot of questions. We will start with the most commonly asked questions first and work from there. So if your question has not yet been addressed, we are likely working through others and will get to yours!